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Dancing with Sea Lions GeoCache!
@ Florence Events Center
  • Dancing with Sea Lions project will hit the streets of Florence, Newport and Reedsport. To celebrate 20 years of the Florence Events Center giving back to the arts community, twenty fiberglass painted sea lions will dance across the Oregon Coast. Follow the trail and view all 20 uniquely designed sea lions! The arts have a ripple effect on the community - just like sea lions dancing through our beautiful Pacific Ocean.

  • May 14th is the Geocache event!  Join the fun in an all day Geo Cache event brought to you by the Sea Lion Caves and several area businesses. Meet at the Florence Events Center onSaturday, May 14th, starting at 8:00 am for all the instructions and information to successfully find your geo coordinates. After completing the course, you will earn one of 300 special edition Dancing with Sea Lions collectible coins. Prizes, food and plenty of detective work make this a great family activity. This event is sponsored by Sea Lion Caves and the Friends of the Florence Events Center. More information is available at: A huge thank you to Cheryl Pinnock for helping organize this!



Fun & Functional
@ Alissa Clark Clayworks
  • New to Florence!

  • Functional wares and Art!

  • Class on now

@ The Kenneth B Gallery
  • Featuring Steam Punk Art by Giuliano Marchetti & Gigi Lassan.  More information about the event is located HERE.

2016 2nd Saturday Dates

June 11

July 9

August 13

September 10

October 8

November 12

December 10


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