^Art by Bob Hefty.
FRAA - Florence Regional Arts Alliance 120 Maple Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-4435 or 541-999-0859 fraaoregon.org facebook.com/FlorenceRegionalArtsAlliance New exhibit for our juried wall and members wall! See some wonderful Art made by local artists and sign up for a class or two. Old Town Coffee Roasters 125 1/2 Nopal Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-1786 Artist of the Month, Tim Creager. Open 8am to 6pm everyday if you are not able to see the show. The River Gallery 1335 Bay Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-902-2505 therivergallery.org Join us for Champagne & Chocolate! The River Gallery is featuring an exquisite collection by over 20 Northwest artists. Some examples include: Wood turned bowls and vases by Vern Oremus Hand blown Oregon glass floats by Bob Meyer Jewelry by Claudia Brown Pit-fired ceramics by Michael Schwartz Hi-fired and horse hair ceramics by Greg Kennedy Wide selection of hand blown Oregon Glass Floats Backstreet Gallery 1421 Bay Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-8980 backstreetgallery.org facebook.com/BackstreetGallery Jane Rincon and Tracy Webster are the featured artists for June. Both artists are talented in mixed-media and will be honored at their reception, June 11, 3PM. Do you want to participate in a group Art project? The 2016 Community Challenge “Summer Box Social Celebrating the American Spirit” is here! Get your box and entry form. Show is in July. More information and entry form HERE. Kenneth B Gallery 1458 1st Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-999-5875 kennethbgallery.com facebook.com/KennethBGallery Featuring Giuliano Marchetti & Gigi Lassan in Pict.up.Art. Awkward nouveau steampunk. Show is up May 13 to June 27th. Studio & Gallery includes the works of JoAnn Chartier, Stu Henderson and resident artists: Tamarah Phillips, Gigi Lassan, Amanda McCrea and SK Lindsey. The Hideaway Gallery 1254 Bay Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-999-7468 The Gallery features a family of artists. Open later on 2nd Saturday Gallery Tour days for your enjoyment. Old Town Barbershop 1341 Bay Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-590-3660 facebook.com/oldtownbarbershopflorence There is a fresh vibe over at the Old Town Barbershop! So refresh and enjoy some maritime and map art! Alissa Clark Clayworks 180 Laurel Street 503.957.5222 AlissaClarkClayworks.etsy.com facebook.com/alissaclarkclayworks Summer is here! A special display of wall and table vases, flower bud holders, planters and ikebana vases. Riverside Eats 1340 Bay Street 541.991.3663 RiversideEats.com facebook.com/Siuslaw-Riverside-1040414945992613/?fref=ts Take a break at the Riverside Eats to see the Siuslaw River, have a bite to eat, and see some fanatic art from local artists; Photography by Patrice Lampton, Stephen Jones, Rudy Gargioni and illustrations by Marcy Tippman. The Vardanian Art Gallery 1300 Bay Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 TheVardanianGallery.com facebook.com/The-Vardanian-Gallery-1669005556696093 Join the the Vardanian Art Gallery for Refreshments! Silver Lining Boutique 2217 Highway 101, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-2440 silverliningboutique.com facebook.com/Silver-Lining-Boutique-282452825198544 The Gallery above The Silver Lining Boutique is extremely proud to be hosting Bob Hefty. Siuslaw Public Library 1460 9th Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-3132 siuslawlibrary.info facebook.com/Siuslaw-Public-Library-42354854110 Lobby Walls - Kathryn Damon-Dawson, Twenty Years of Watercolor Lobby Case - 2 Glassy Ladies, Tina Shoys (Stained Glass Mosaics) & Peggy Goodrow (Stained Glass) East Gallery & Brubaker Wall - Bird Photography by Ty Perry, Jeff Cheever, Curt Peters, Stephen Jones, Septhanie Ames, Jane Pittenger and Cathy Wasson Displays - Kris DeNoyer's whimsical bird ceramics The Great Room displays - Japanese fighting kites from David & Susan Gomberg Florence Events Center 715 Quince Street, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-1994 eventcenter.org facebook.com/FlorenceEventCenter Dancing with Sea Lions! Happy 20th Birthday Florence Events Center! GeoChache Event continues until September! Visit the Sea Lions from Reedsport, to Florence and up to Newport. For information about this event and how to participate, visit the GeoCache Site: dancingwithsealions.com/#!geo-cache-event/a9fja Lots going on with this Event until October! More info is located at dancingwithsealions.com & facebook.com/DancingWithSeaLions BeauxArts Fine Art Materials & Gallery 2285 Highway 101 Suite H, Florence, Oregon 97439 541-991-8213 beauxartsfineart.com facebook.com/BeauxArtsFineArtMaterials Celebrate the beginning of Summer, Jo's Birthday and the Dancing with Sea Lions Project. Get a photo with Rhody, the traveling Sea Lion! Discover Art Abandonment! Thanks to Cathy S.! Come see examples of different mediums and artists in our community.